The first bath time is really important, so that you need to be extra careful when bathing your newborn baby.Most midwives and other health care professionals recommend bathing newborns 2 or 3 times a week.Baths not only relax your child,but they can give you a break to bond and play after a hectic day.And like baby massage a warm bath can be an excellent way to help prepare your child for bed.But time can be fun,but you have to be very careful with your child around the water.Most drowning deaths in children happen at home, often when a child is left alone in the bathroom.
- stay close enough to your children who are in the tub so that you can reach out and hold them if they slip.
- use toys in the tub to keep your child busy and sitting down,and away from the faucet.
- keep the water temperature below 48.9 degrees
- keep all sharp objects out of your child’ Reach
- unplug all electric items
- empty the tub after bath time over
- keep the floor and your child’s feet dry to prevent slipping.